Invisalign Braces


Invisalign braces Cost Gurgaon

Invisalign braces Treatment Cost

So you wantyour teethto be aligned properly and you decided to know about Invisalign, it issimpleand clear, yeah! It is a clear transparent prosthesis which you can weartobring your teeth into a proper and natural position.



It is adigitalimpression, scanning of the present condition of your teeth, and thenourdoctors use proprietary ClinCheck software to map out the path to yoursmile,right down to the tiniest shift, from your first aligner to your brand-newsmile. No guesswork. No waiting and seeing. 


We create acustomizedtreatment plant for you using the digital impression. With thetreatment plan,you’ll be able to see the final position your teeth are predictedto reach aftertreatment. This treatment plan is used to develop yourcustomized aligners andalso estimate the likely length of your treatment.


We will letyou knowwhen the customized aligners are manufactured and ready to deliver.


Your seriesofcustom-made aligners will be given to you. Our team will also inform you ofthefrequency of changing the aligners and the duration of analigner to be worn inaday.


Our expertswill askyouto come for a follow up every 6-8 weeks. Wewill monitor andanalyzeyourprogress along the way


Afteryou’vefinishedyour Invisalign aligner treatment, you may need touse retainerstohelp. Ittakes time for the bone and all the tissues aroundyour teethtoreorganize andtherefore it is necessary to use retainers untilyourbitestabilizes.


o   Don'tstoplivingyour life

o  Keepeatingall your favorite foods.

o  Stayactive inall the sports and activities youlove.

o  You'llexperiencefewer emergency visits,without the hassle of brackets and wiresbreaking.

o  YourInvisalignclear aligners are virtuallyinvisible, so people may not even noticeyou’rewearing them.

Things youshouldknowbeforeGetting new sets of aligners.

o   You'llweareachset of aligners for one to two weeks, as prescribed by yourdoctor.You’llprobably schedule check-ups every six to eight weeks to checkyourprogress.

o  Fewerdoctorvisits mean more time to enjoy life.

o  Whenwearingeach new set of aligners, you mayfeel a little extra pressure ordiscomfort forthe first few days, which istotally normal. Cleaning your aligners

o  Rinseyouraligners every night and brush themgently with your toothbrush to keepthemfresh and clean.

o  UsetheInvisalign clInvisalign braces Cost Gurgaon

Invisalign braces Treatment Cost

So you wantyour teeth to be aligned properly and you decided to know about Invisalign, it issimple and clear, yeah! It is a clear transparent prosthesis which you can wearto bring your teeth into a proper and natural position.



It is adigital impression, scanning of the present condition of your teeth, and thenour doctors use proprietary ClinCheck software to map out the path to yoursmile, right down to the tiniest shift, from your first aligner to your brand-new smile. No guesswork. No waiting and seeing. 


We create acustomized treatment plant for you using the digital impression. With thetreatment plan, you’ll be able to see the final position your teeth are predictedto reach after treatment. This treatment plan is used to develop yourcustomized aligners and also estimate the likely length of your treatment.


We will letyou know when the customized aligners are manufactured and ready to deliver.


Your seriesof custom-made aligners will be given to you. Our team will also inform you ofthe frequency of changing the aligners and the duration of analigner to be worn ina day.


Our expertswill ask youto come for a follow up every 6-8 weeks. Wewill monitor and analyzeyourprogress along the way


After you’vefinishedyour Invisalign aligner treatment, you may need touse retainers tohelp. Ittakes time for the bone and all the tissues aroundyour teeth toreorganize andtherefore it is necessary to use retainers untilyour bitestabilizes.

Fewadvantages ofInvisalign

o   Don'tstopliving your life

o  Keep eatingall your favorite foods.

o  Stay active inall the sports and activities youlove.

o  You'llexperience fewer emergency visits,without the hassle of brackets and wiresbreaking.

o  YourInvisalign clear aligners are virtuallyinvisible, so people may not even noticeyou’re wearing them.

Things youshould knowbeforeGetting new sets of aligners.

o   You'llweareach set of aligners for one to two weeks, as prescribed by your doctor.You’llprobably schedule check-ups every six to eight weeks to check yourprogress.

o  Fewer doctorvisits mean more time to enjoy life.

o  When wearingeach new set of aligners, you mayfeel a little extra pressure or discomfort forthe first few days, which istotally normal. Cleaning your aligners

o  Rinse youraligners every night and brush themgently with your toothbrush to keep themfresh and clean.

o  Use theInvisalign cleaning system to keep youraligners clear.

eaning system to keep youraligners clear.

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