

Botox Treatment in Gurgaon

Looking for wrinkles and a line-free face? Botox and DermaPluscan help you with it

Botulinum toxin type A (also commonly known as Botox) iscommonlythought of as an anti-wrinkle and anti ageing treatment. Botox hasbeen inpractice for a long in various medical treatments, but its mostprominent usenowadays is as a cosmetic treatment to treat facial musclespasms. It leads todiminished facial wrinkles.

What is Botox?

Botox is a brand that uses a purified form of botulinum toxintype A. it is a chemical toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria.Botox causes Botulism which is a type of controlled infection that results intemporary muscle paralysis. Under proper administration, they are safe asinjectable medicine as they are used in very small quantities and used onspecific sites where treatment is needed.

In common words, Botox is an injectable muscle relaxingtreatment that helps you fight facial wrinkles (most common use of Botox). Itcauses temporary muscle paralysis and makes it numb and lifeless. It helpsreduce the appearance of facial wrinkles in the treated patient. It is a minimallyinvasive treatment in nature. It is considered a safe, effective treatment forwrinkles and fine lines. It also treats lines on the forehead between youreyebrows. It causes reduced nerve activity in the treated area, thus reducingthe stress and making injected area relaxed.

What is Botox injection used for?

Botulinum toxin type A is an approved medical injection by IMA.It can be used for various purposes as described below:

Cosmetic treatments

Botox can be used to treat

Vertical frown lines - They are also known as glabellar lines.They are the lines between your eyebrows. They get prominent when you frown,squint, or try to concentrate on something)

Horizontal forehead lines

Lines at the eyes corner (also commonly known as crows feet)

Medical Treatments

Medical conditions which can be taken care of with Botulinumtoxin type A are:

blepharospasm - which is twitching or eyelid spasm

Cervical dystonia, or spasmodic torticollis - this is a type ofmuscle spasm in the neck

Facial or muscle spasms in other parts of the body

muscle spasticity due to cerebral palsy - which is a group ofdisorders affecting body posture and movement (motor disorders)

Strabismus - it is a medical condition where the eyes are notproperly aligned

It can also be injected into bladder muscle to help in case ofoveractive bladder

Hyperhidrosis - is a medical condition where excessive underarmseating occurs.

Why Botox with Derma Plus?

You should consider Derma Plus because, Derma Plus isconsistently delivering itself as a leading anti ageing treatment clinic inIndia for Botox and other treatments. We deliver best-in-class solutions forover a decade catering to both domestic and international clients. We retailhighly qualified and experienced surgeons for the best customer care We offerbest-in-class infrastructure for optimum results.

What are the advantages of Botox treatment?

Botox is an injectable cosmetic treatment for treating wrinklesand fine lines

Botox is a non-surgical minimal invasive in-office treatment

Botox involves a minimal prep routine.

It also helps in reducing sweat concern

It also may help you in reducing migraine

How does Botox treatment work?

Botox works by hindering the release of a neurotransmitter(knownas acetylcholine) from nerve cells. As it is infected in controlled smallvolumes, its effect is restricted to a small group of muscles around theinjected area. As the nerves regenerate after a few months, these effects aretemporary.

When Botox is injected into the muscles, the toxin blocks thesignals transmitted from the nerves to the muscles. Because of the injectedBotox, the muscles temporarily lose the ability to contract. When injected intothe skin, it can block never signals that trigger sweat released from the body.

When injected into facial muscles, temporary weakness occurs inthe muscles. They stop responding to the nerve signals reducing the appearanceof wrinkles and fine lines. This effect becomes visible from about 2to 7 daysafter the anti aging treatment

How long does the effect last?

In the early stages, the effects last somewhere around3-6months. Repeated injections are needed to maintain the look. With periodicsessions in place, the effect starts to stay longer. A very small group ofpeople also have the tendency where they develop antibodies against Botoxinjections after repeated treatments. This means that in those cases, thetreatment will no longer be effective anymore.

Post-treatment Information

This treatment may include some side effects, but they are minorand depend on a patient-to-patient basis. This means they might occur in somecases but in most of the cases, they are not evident. The side effects of thistreatment may include swelling in the eyelid area, tiredness, headache,pain,dry eyes, rash, itching, or breathing concerns. But they are mild in nature andfade away in a few days gradually. Still, we recommend discussing your concernswith your consultant to be double sure.

Myths Vs Facts

Let's dive into common myths and misconceptions

Botox Injections Are Painful

Botox needles are very fine. Also, a very small number of fluidsare injected. Due to which many people have reported only mild discomfortAdditionally, Derma Plus experts also apply an anesthetic cream to furtherreduce the discomfort.

Botox Injections Are Addictive In Case Of Prolonged Use

No ingredient in Botox is habit-forming or addictive. Botoxeffects are temporary. Going for a repeat session depends on you to maintainthe effect, but it is in no way addictive.

Botox Is Capable Of Removing All Facial Lines

In your face, there are two types of lines - static and dynamic.Dynamic lines are those which appear after muscle contraction. Static linesappear without the involvement of any muscle contraction. Botox can remove onlydynamic facial lines.

Wrinkles Get More Prominent After Stopping Botox.

Botox has no permanent effect. With prolonged use, the effectstarts staying for longer durations. But it is never permanent. After manysessions, the body may develop antibodies. In that case, Botox stops working,but it will lead to the initial state. Botox cannot enhance wrinkles.

It can also help you with migraine headaches in people sufferingfrom chronic migraine.


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